ICICI Prudential Dividend Yield Equity Fund: Check returns, performance analysis and top holdings
ICICI Prudential Dividend Yield Equity Fund Direct-Growth is a Dividend Yield mutual fund offered by ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund. This fund was launched on April 25, 2014, and has been in existence for ten years. ICICI Prudential Dividend Yield Equity Fund Direct-Growth is a medium-sized fund in its category, with assets under management (AUM) of Rs 4,257 Crores.
The majority of the fund’s money is invested in the financial, energy, automotive, consumer staples and healthcare sectors. It has less exposure to the financial and energy industries than other funds in the category.
ICICI Prudential Dividend Yield Equity Fund Performance
ICICI Prudential Dividend Yield Equity Fund Direct-Growth returns over the previous year were 57.08%. Since its laucnh, it has produced an average yearly return of 18.60 per cent. Every three years, the fund’s investment doubles.
The ability of the ICICI Prudential Dividend Yield Equity Fund Direct-Growth plan to generate returns on a regular basis is similar to that of other funds in its category. It has a strong capacity to limit losses in a declining market.
ICICI Prudential Dividend Yield Equity Fund Returns
Period | ICICI Prudential Dividend Yield Equity Fund | Category average |
1 month | 5.26% | 4.82% |
3 months | 11.8% | 12.91% |
6 months | 23.66% | 21.14% |
1 year | 57.04% | 49.15% |
3 years | 32.11% | 25.84% |
5 years | 28.52% | 26.24% |
ICICI Prudential Dividend Yield Equity Fund Top 5 Holdings
Name | Sector | Instrument | Assets |
ICICI Bank Ltd.
Financial | Equity | 7.54% |
Energy | Equity | 7.49% |
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
Healthcare | Equity | 6.96% |
Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.
Automobile | Equity | 5.81% |
HDFC Bank Ltd.
Financial | Equity | 5.26% |
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