Nippon India Focused Equity Fund: Check returns, performance analysis and top holdings

Nippon India Focused Equity Fund Direct-Growth is a Focused mutual fund offered by Nippon India Mutual Fund. This fund was established on January 1, 2013, making it 11 years old. Nippon India Focused Equity Fund Direct-Growth has assets under management (AUM) of ₹8,585 Crores, making it a medium-sized fund in its category.

The majority of the fund’s assets are invested in the capital goods, automotive, financial, services and technology sectors. Compared to other funds in the category, it has taken on less exposure in the Financial and Services sectors.

Nippon India Focused Equity Fund Performance

The last year’s direct growth returns for Nippon India Focused Equity Fund were 36.05%. It has generated 19.07% average yearly returns since its debut. Every four years, the fund doubles the amount invested in it.

The Nippon India Focused Equity Fund Direct-Growth scheme can often produce returns that are similar to other offerings in its category. Its capacity to manage losses in a declining market is below average.

Nippon India Focused Equity Fund Returns

Period Nippon India Focused Equity Fund Category average
1 month 1.33% 1.66%
3 months 14.22% 11.33%
6 months 17.68% 19.77%
1 year 36.35% 40.83%
3 years 19.45% 19.76%
5 years 23.94% 22.7%

Nippon India Focused Equity Fund Top 5 Holdings

Name Sector Instrument Assets
Financial Equity 8.81%
Financial Equity 7.70%
Financial Equity 5.28%
Financial Equity 5.02%
Capital Goods Equity 4.92%

Nippon India Focused Equity Fund Suitability

If you invest for five years or longer, you can expect profits that outperform both inflation and fixed income returns. However, you can expect your investment value to fluctuate along the way.